June 10, 2009
Jerry D. Weast, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Carver Educational Services Center
Room 122
850 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
Dear Dr. Weast:
We are writing with regard to the Boundary Review for East Silver Spring, Piney Branch, Sligo Creek, and Takoma Park Elementary Schools. We live within the communities identified as TP1b and ESS3 in the Boundary Options presented by the Division of Long Range Planning (DLRP).
We are concerned by a number of defects within the process as it has evolved over the last few months, including, without limitation, the following:
• Inadequate Notice and Opportunity to Comment. MCPS did not utilize the full capabilities of the Public Information Office to communicate the details of the Boundary Review process and of the public’s opportunity to participate. (Bruce Crispell and members of the PTA committee acknowledged this at a recent meeting.)
By limiting the release of information to PTA and homeowner associations, large portions of those affected by the results of the Boundary Study were left uninformed of the process and therefore unable to participate. This process failure nullifies the “purpose of the process” as stated by MCPS on its Boundary Study website. (
• Lack of Transparency. There has been insufficient transparency throughout the process about the demographics in the communities within the study, especially with regard to density. It has been difficult for community residents and members of the Boundary Review Committees to acquire current information on population and enrollment trends. Additionally, little to no information has been disseminated on the criteria used to define sectors affected by the DLRP options.
• Disregard of Stated Criteria. Despite stated criteria for the Boundary Study specifying respect for natural and community boundaries, the sectors created by DLRP did not do so. Specifically, the geo-political borders for the City of Takoma Park were disregarded in each of the proposed options.
Despite the fact that the process has been less than ideal, we do believe that there is time to address some of these shortcomings before the start of the 2009-2010 school year. There are several actions we as a community would like to see your office undertake before your report is completed for the Board of Education.
1. We ask that you hold well-advertised public meetings in each of the communities under review so that the residents can have a true opportunity to voice their concerns. We especially would like to see public meetings in those neighborhoods with little to no representation on the Boundary Committees.
2. We ask that members of the DLRP and your office “get off the grid and come down to the streets.” It is our belief that drawing lines on a map rather than visiting the communities and walking the proposed routes to see firsthand how natural boundaries occur leads to failure in the process.
3. We ask that the boundaries in the study reflect the ACTUAL city limits of Takoma Park, as there is no more natural community distinction than an incorporated entity.
4. We ask that you allow for additional plan options to be considered before you release your report on Oct 15, 2009.
Our goal is not to thwart this process, but to use the next three months to gather as much community input as possible to assure that when the Board of Education meets for its final decision, the option on the table represents a proposal that maximizes most criteria for ALL of our communities.
While it is impossible to satisfy everyone in these boundary studies, we believe that implementation of the foregoing suggestions will allow for notice and comment by affected parties, improve the quality of the input from affected parties, and make constituents feel invested in the process and thus less likely to challenge its outcome. Ultimately, it is our hope that this will lead to an option that optimizes everyone’s interests and mitigates their concerns as much as possible – satisfying most while leaving nearly all with a feeling of inclusion and empowerment in the process.
To this end we are undertaking the following:
• In the coming days, we will be meeting with Chris Barclay to discuss our concerns and suggestions. Joining us will be representatives from our community, as well as representatives from most of the Boundary Committees, and Citizen Advisory committees from within the areas under review. We have also been meeting with the Takoma Park mayor and City Council.
• We have set up a blog for the community to keep them informed and to encourage the flow of ideas surrounding the Boundary Study. You are welcome to visit the blog and post additional information (and/or encourage those in your office to do so as well). The blog can be found at:
• We have circulated a petition throughout our community outlining our position on the 6 options presented by DLRP. To date we have collected nearly 100 signatures. The originals of these petitions will be delivered to your office closer to the date of your report to the BOE.
• We are inviting members of your office and the BOE to “get off the grid and onto the streets” – to join community members and walk the boundaries as laid out in the 6 options presented by the DLRP.
In addition, we would ask for the opportunity to meet with you over the summer to present our concerns in person.
On a final note, we would like to emphasize that no one person or organization speaks for the North Takoma community as a whole. We, and our neighbors, have joined together to assure that our voices are heard. But more importantly, our hope is that we can work together with each of the school communities and MCPS to arrive at a proposal that brings us all together.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
TPES Committee Report is Out
Please take a look and see what you think:
Comments? Questions? Contact the TPES Boundary Committee:
Jayne Holt
Katya Partan
Nina Garfield
You can also post your comments here.
Coming next... We'll meet with BOE member Chris Barlcay. Watch this space for time and date.
Comments? Questions? Contact the TPES Boundary Committee:
Jayne Holt
Katya Partan
Nina Garfield
You can also post your comments here.
Coming next... We'll meet with BOE member Chris Barlcay. Watch this space for time and date.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wed., 5/27-Public Info Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Bring your written comments for submission to the boundary committee and find out more about the review of committee options at Takoma Park Middle School, 7611 Piney Branch Rd, Takoma Park, Md.
Support the Action Items
In the public discussion session of the Takoma Park Council Meeting, the following action actions were requested on the proposed TPES/ESS school boundary issues:
There are five action items:
There are five action items:
- We want the TPK Mayor and City Council to tell Montgomery County Schools superintendent Weast and the Board of Education "No to Options 4 & 5".
- We want the Mayor and City Council to ask MCPS and Supt. Weast to open the process and allow for additional plan options to be considered BEFORE Weast releases his report on Oct 15, 2009.
- We want the Mayor and City Council to demand that the county have the boundaries in the study reflect the ACTUAL city limits (esp in ESS2, ESS4 and TP1/1b).
- We want the Mayor and City Council to ask MCPS for currentdemographic information on those communities within the Takoma Park city lines that are being moved from TP/PBES in any of Options 1-6.
- We want the Mayor and City Council to demand that the county use current, accurate enrollment information rather than the figures currently being used (especially for the middle schools).
Send your letters and comments to:
Josh Wright, Councilmember, Ward 1 (TP/PB 1b)
7401 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912
Phone: 301-312-2717
City of Takoma Park Mayor Bruce Williams
326 Lincoln Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912
Phone: 240-676-6234
Fax: 301-891-1771
Christopher S. Barclay, Board of Education, District 4
Carver Educational Services Center, Rm. 123
850 Hungerford Dr., Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-431-7736
Fax: 301-279-3860
Find additional BOE members >>
Jerry D. Weast, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
Carver Educational Services Center, Rm. 122
850 Hungerford Dr., Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-279-3381
Fax: 301-279-3205
email via Suzanne Peng-Meth
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Part 1. Public comments TPK Council meeting 5/26
Several community members from Takoma Park read statements to the TPK Council & Mayor tonight. This was one:
MCPS is proposing changes in our school boundaries. If these changes are implemented, current school assignments for our children could change, affecting East Silver Spring ES (ESS), Takoma Park ES (TPES), Piney Branch ES (PBES), Sligo Creek ES (SCES), Takoma Park Middle School (TPMS) and Silver Spring International MS (SSIMS).
We as a community are concerned because none of the options fully recognizes the current Takoma Park city boundaries. Additionally, Option 4 and Option 5 would move the North Takoma neighborhood (TP/PB1b) from Takoma Park Elementary School to East Silver Spring Elementary School (see map).
Options 4 and 5 would also eliminate the choice our neighbors in East Silver Spring (ESS3) have to attend Takoma Park schools.
We who live here would like to stay in our neighborhood schools for several reasons, including but not limited to:
• Our children and families have built strong friendships, social networks, and community ties and we want to maintain our after-school access to the Community Center and other Recreation programs in Takoma Park.
• We want to maintain current geographic boundaries, as members of the Takoma Park community.
• We want our neighbors in ESS3 to continue to have the choice to attend schools in Takoma Park, as they have been doing historically.
• Because of the expansion at TPES, we will be busing our TPES children to Grovesnor (about 30 minutes away) for the 2009 school year. If Option 4 or Option 5 are accepted, our children would be required to move again, to ESS, beginning with the 2010 school year.
• With Options 4 and 5, families may be forced to have their children attend two different elementary schools simultaneously.
• We want to retain our short walk to the Takoma Park school where most children walk to school daily. Some parents walk their children to school and then continue walking to the Metro.
We picked this neighborhood to live in so our children could attend the Takoma Park schools. We're deeply concerned about the potential impact the proposed changes will have on the community and ask for your help in supporting your neighbors.
MCPS is proposing changes in our school boundaries. If these changes are implemented, current school assignments for our children could change, affecting East Silver Spring ES (ESS), Takoma Park ES (TPES), Piney Branch ES (PBES), Sligo Creek ES (SCES), Takoma Park Middle School (TPMS) and Silver Spring International MS (SSIMS).
We as a community are concerned because none of the options fully recognizes the current Takoma Park city boundaries. Additionally, Option 4 and Option 5 would move the North Takoma neighborhood (TP/PB1b) from Takoma Park Elementary School to East Silver Spring Elementary School (see map).
Options 4 and 5 would also eliminate the choice our neighbors in East Silver Spring (ESS3) have to attend Takoma Park schools.
We who live here would like to stay in our neighborhood schools for several reasons, including but not limited to:
• Our children and families have built strong friendships, social networks, and community ties and we want to maintain our after-school access to the Community Center and other Recreation programs in Takoma Park.
• We want to maintain current geographic boundaries, as members of the Takoma Park community.
• We want our neighbors in ESS3 to continue to have the choice to attend schools in Takoma Park, as they have been doing historically.
• Because of the expansion at TPES, we will be busing our TPES children to Grovesnor (about 30 minutes away) for the 2009 school year. If Option 4 or Option 5 are accepted, our children would be required to move again, to ESS, beginning with the 2010 school year.
• With Options 4 and 5, families may be forced to have their children attend two different elementary schools simultaneously.
• We want to retain our short walk to the Takoma Park school where most children walk to school daily. Some parents walk their children to school and then continue walking to the Metro.
We picked this neighborhood to live in so our children could attend the Takoma Park schools. We're deeply concerned about the potential impact the proposed changes will have on the community and ask for your help in supporting your neighbors.
school boundaries,
veto options 4 and 5
5/26 7:30 p.m.: Tell the TPK City Council where you stand
Talk to Takoma Park mayor Bruce Williams about your concerns regarding the change in school boundaries. Open hours at his office from 5 pm-7 pm
At 7:30 pm, come to the Takoma Park Community Center auditorium for the Council meeting.
At 7:30 pm, come to the Takoma Park Community Center auditorium for the Council meeting.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Next Public Meeting-May 27 at 7:30 p.m.
Public Information Meetings on Boundary Review
for East Silver Spring, Piney Branch, Sligo Creek, and Takoma Park Elementary Schools
Takoma Park Middle School
7611 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, Maryland
• Review of Committee Options—May 27, 2009
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Following community input, on March 27, 2006, the Board of Education acted to reorganize East Silver Spring Elementary School to Grades Pre-K–5 (from the current Pre-K–2) and to construct an eight room addition to accommodate the additional students. The Board of Education also acted to address overutilization at Sligo Creek Elementary School and Takoma Park Elementary School through construction of a sixteen room addition at Takoma Park Elementary School. This addition was designed to be large enough to address overutilization at Sligo Creek Elementary School through a future boundary study.
Boundary Study
On November 20, 2008, the Board of Education authorized a boundary study to review the boundaries for East Silver Spring, Piney Branch, Sligo Creek, and Takoma Park elementary schools, and their attendant middle schools—Silver Spring International and Takoma Park middle schools. The two middle schools are included in the review since Sligo Creek Elementary School articulates to Silver Spring International Middle School, while the other elementary schools articulate to Takoma Park Middle School.
The boundary review process begins with a community advisory committee—that will meet from March 2009 through June 2009—followed by a superintendent recommendation in mid-October 2009, followed by Board of Education review and action in November, 2009. Any boundary changes would be implemented in August 2010, when the additions at East Silver Spring and Takoma Park elementary schools are completed. MCPS staff from
the Division of Long-range Planning will facilitate the community advisory committee process. The public information meetings advertised with this flier are an opportunity to learn more about this process.
Interpreter services will be available at these two meetings for Spanish and Amharic speakers.
Individuals who need accommodations, including sign language interpretation or other special assistance, may contact the Family and Community Partnerships Unit at (301) 279-3100 and TDD (301) 279-3323.
During the boundary review, and up through Board of Education action, materials will be posted at the following web site:
for East Silver Spring, Piney Branch, Sligo Creek, and Takoma Park Elementary Schools
Takoma Park Middle School
7611 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, Maryland
• Review of Committee Options—May 27, 2009
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Following community input, on March 27, 2006, the Board of Education acted to reorganize East Silver Spring Elementary School to Grades Pre-K–5 (from the current Pre-K–2) and to construct an eight room addition to accommodate the additional students. The Board of Education also acted to address overutilization at Sligo Creek Elementary School and Takoma Park Elementary School through construction of a sixteen room addition at Takoma Park Elementary School. This addition was designed to be large enough to address overutilization at Sligo Creek Elementary School through a future boundary study.
Boundary Study
On November 20, 2008, the Board of Education authorized a boundary study to review the boundaries for East Silver Spring, Piney Branch, Sligo Creek, and Takoma Park elementary schools, and their attendant middle schools—Silver Spring International and Takoma Park middle schools. The two middle schools are included in the review since Sligo Creek Elementary School articulates to Silver Spring International Middle School, while the other elementary schools articulate to Takoma Park Middle School.
The boundary review process begins with a community advisory committee—that will meet from March 2009 through June 2009—followed by a superintendent recommendation in mid-October 2009, followed by Board of Education review and action in November, 2009. Any boundary changes would be implemented in August 2010, when the additions at East Silver Spring and Takoma Park elementary schools are completed. MCPS staff from
the Division of Long-range Planning will facilitate the community advisory committee process. The public information meetings advertised with this flier are an opportunity to learn more about this process.
Interpreter services will be available at these two meetings for Spanish and Amharic speakers.
Individuals who need accommodations, including sign language interpretation or other special assistance, may contact the Family and Community Partnerships Unit at (301) 279-3100 and TDD (301) 279-3323.
During the boundary review, and up through Board of Education action, materials will be posted at the following web site:
east silver spring,
school boundaries,
takoma park
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Welcome to the conversation!

Montgomery County Public Schools is proposing changes in our school boundaries. If these changes are implemented, current school assignments for our children could change, affecting East Silver Spring ES (ESS), Takoma Park ES (TPES), Piney Branch ES (PBES), Sligo Creek ES (SCES), Takoma Park Middle School (TPMS) and Silver Spring International MS (SSIMS).
We are asking for the support of the Takoma Park City Council and the mayor to support our rejection of Options 4 and 5 proposed by the MCPS boundary study committee.
Questions? email
east silver spring,
school boundaries,
takoma park
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